Courses > Live Surgeries
Start Date: 2024-09-07
Dr. Nikos Mattheos

(Lecture + Hands-on + Live Surgery) Implants in the Aesthetic Zone – Live Surgery and Hands-on!

Course Highlight:
Anterior maxilla is one of the most challenging sites for implant placement, as the local anatomy is most frequently compromised. At the same time, the high expectations of natural aesthetics introduce significant challenges for the operator, who is required to “begin with the end in mind”,  carefully select the appropriate treatment pathway and design the best intervention for the individual patient. The course will discuss step by step the most common implant placement and restoration protocols in the aesthetic zone from immediate implants to ridge preservation and early placement with Guided Bone Regeneration.  It will also demonstrate the procedures with a live surgery and allow participants to practice the most important hard and soft tissue augmentation techniques in custom-made models!

Day 1 (Seminars)
Introduction, Treatment Planning and Surgical Techniques

– Introduction: About this course
– Minimally invasive implant surgery: philosophy, biology and technology
– Anterior maxilla: anatomic, aesthetic and functional limitations – Moving from the generic to the individual
– Computer aided implant surgery and restoration
– Peri-implant Soft tissues: what do we have, what do we need and how to get it!
– Managing the compromised bone: diagnosis and treatment planning
– Managing the compromised soft tissues: manipulation and augmentation
– Immediate implants
– Ridge preservation
– Guided bone regeneration with simultaneous implant placement
– Technology: implant surface, design and diameter

Day 2 (Live Surgery + Hands-on) 
Advanced Surgical Techniques and Decision Making

– Live Surgery!
– Summing up the big picture – Discussion –  site assessment and decision making

Hands-on exercises (on tailor-made plastic models):
– Immediate implant placement
– Connective tissue graft harvesting and manipulation
– Implant placement with GBR

  • DATE
  • TIME
    GMT +8
    9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Centre of Dental Education, 17/F CEO Tower, 77 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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