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ITI Study Club Nothing To Prove

29 Nov 2022

ITI Study Club Nothing To Prove

2023 Study Club Meetings

Study Club Director: Dr. Ernest Tang

Begin with the End in Mind: Treatment planning sequences

2 Mar 2023 (THU)

The second out of the seven habits of highly effective people comes as “Begin with the End in Mind”. The author says All things are created twice: Before one acts, one should act in one’s mind first (else at the time of redo). We have all heard of it being “Prosthetically driven”, yet the end goal of the implant does not start with placing the implant at the planned site, nor does it end at the delivery of your fancy definitive prosthesis. The end game is long after the patient returns with a new device in their mouth, and it all comes down to having the right treatment goal: a predictable and
maintainable treatment outcome.

    • sharing of treatment planning principles
    • what goes through our minds when a case presents itself, and how to convert the idea to action
    • sharing by participants how we manage a case from start to finish and/ or discussion of cases from participants

    Gadgets: A craftsman who wishes to practice his craft well must first sharpen his tool

    15 Jun 2023 (THU)

    We are dental surgeons, we are also craftsmen. The fun of Implant Dentistry is that it’s still rapidly developing, and the new technologies and tools constantly blow our minds. While some are expensive and hard to implement, there are also some simple yet beloved devices or materials dear to a surgeon’s preference. A man is only as sharp as his tool, and this meeting lets us share a tool that defines you.

    • sharing of different modern devices, tools and materials to aid implant surgery or treatment
    • contemporary setup does produce good results while does not break the bank
    • new toys in your implant office
    • sharing by participants who possession of a device that changed their way of practice

    Flow state: The setup for the optimal workflow

    24 Aug 2023 (THU)

    In Implant Dentistry, it comes with the whole package of treatment sequences, where if you’re the one dealing with all the aspects, you have to be all-rounded to have good results: from preparing the patient body and mind ready to the surgical skills of placement, fabrication of the prosthesis to maintenance afterward. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and often we find weak spots which get stuck in the way. Once in a while, all things align and the sense of “flow state” appears which is most satisfying. We may increase the chance of this happening with the help of a streamlined workflow.

    The focus of ''Nothing To Prove'' ITI Study Club

    From time to time, I would get messages for my opinion about dental implant-related treatments from peers and juniors. I find that the struggles are similar in the beginning — not knowing how to start off - nor what to consider-  when facing an opportunity to provide implants as an option, freaking out when something goes sideways. 

    As the youngest among SC directors, I wish to dedicate my time and effort in building a community among those who are still green in implant treatments but have a passion for decent dental work and want to grow. I strongly believe in the process of peer learning, with the idea of “give and take”. To embrace the concept that the expectation to receive correlates with the willingness to give.  I hope that joining this study club isn’t just sitting through a bunch of how-to-doit lectures, but with members willing to show specific treatment flow they imply in their practice or raising questions among the group asking for opinions from others. 

    Younger colleagues who are just starting off may see how others approach a case from start to finish, while more experienced colleagues can share techniques in improving for better results and smoother processes. It would also benefit one’s thinking process, ability to self-evaluate and presentation skillset when knowing that a case would be shown under this light. I would like to encourage fellows to think that their case could always be good enough to share and have something to learn from. The ultimate vision is to grow a healthy passionate community and the one and only rule is that all of us have Nothing to Prove to one another, but just lots to learn from.

    Dr. Tang Chun Lok, Ernest

    BDS(HK), MDS (ImplantDent)(HK)

    Dr. Ernest Tang finished his BDS at the University of Hong Kong in 2016 and served as a Dental Officer in the Implant Division of Prince Philip Dental Hospital, till he completed his postgraduate training in MDS Implant Dentistry in September 2020 in HKU. 
    Dr. Tang is a current Part-Time Clinical Lecture in Faculty of Dentistry, HKU, and is a co-author of Notes In Implant Dentistry, published in June 2021 which is an online resource of implant related reference with over 14k reads worldwide. He is currently managing his private practice and is interested in periodontal and implant therapy, as well as restorative work and digital integration to practicing dentistry.

    Recap of the 2022 ITI Nothing To Prove Study Club Meetings

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